Producent af præfabrikerede træhuse
Vi fremstiller præfabrikerede træbygninger med høj termisk effektivitet. Alle vores materialer er af høj kvalitet og CE-certificerede.
In-Novas varemærke er at levere optimale levestandardsforhold ved Middelhavet og i de skandinaviske lande, der er kendetegnede ved et fugtigt og køligt klima.
Vores arbejde afspejler en høj grad af åbenhed og fleksibilitet. Vi skaber unikke og tilpassede konstruktioner, der er specielt designede til at passe kundens behov iht. arkitektur og designelementer.
Hvad siger kunderne om os?
A lodge from In-Nova was an easy and straightforward process. It was a fun, quick and hassle free project in no small part to your planning and experience.

Katrina Rowton-Lee
Excellent, perfect, very good finish. Workmen charming, helpful and very professional. Also very hard-working and polite. Very tidy in their working and everything they did.
Location : Hearn Farm, Galhampton, Somerset

Dag Billington
Excellent quality 5* star. All house completed to best standard. The team was brilliant and kept clean and tidy at all times. Very polite and understanding. Very pleased with quality.
Location : North Wootton

Andrew Masters
Excellent. Team were very good, hard-working & friendly
Location : Hazewood, Netherhill, Botley, Southampton

Sarah Jackson
Excellent working team & product
Location : Cheltenham

Leanne Launchbury
Very hard-working. Very friendly. Very helpful, a very good team.
Location : Constable Burton, Leyburn

John Ramsey
The team has done a really good job. They were efficient and have left us with a lovely new home. Thank you.
Location : Meopharm, Gravesend

Carol Dowdall
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